This is our recommended etiquette so that everyone can enjoy playing. Just like in martial arts where there are certain manners you must follow although they are not written explicitly in the rules, these are points to keep in mind that should follow as a manner. They are designed to allow players to play games smoothly and prevent troubles. Our philosophy is that manners should never be enforced between players. When pointing out mistakes, even the most well-intended comment could be taken in the wrong way. This does the exact opposite of what we want to achieve - to promote a fun and pleasurable environment for our players. If there are any players whose action bothers you, please feel free to let the staff know and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.
必要なマナーとその理由 Manners and their Reasons
1 ツモまたは打牌のときに牌を卓に叩きつけない(強打禁止)Don't slam the tiles when you draw or discard.
It can be taken as a threatening and provoking action. It may also lead to the breaking of the machine or tiles.
2 不明瞭な発声 Unclear calling
When calling Pon, Chii, Kan, Ron, Tsumo, or Riichi, say it loud enough so that the other 3 players can hear you.
If the call is not clear, it may cause confusion as the next player's action may be based on your call.
It may also cause other issues such as he-said-she-said case.
3 捨てた牌を戻すことはできません Discarded tile cannot be put back
Once a part of the tile is on the table during the discarding action, you can't take it back. This is to clear up the issue regarding if you actually discarded it or not.
4 捨牌は6列3段で並べます Discarded tiles are placed in 3 rows of 6 tiles each
6列3段で捨てる事でお互いが順目を確認でき、他家のリーチの場所が分かりやすくなります。Have your Kawa (discard area) nice and neat in 3 rows of 6 tiles.This makes it easier for the other players to see whose turn it is and the point of Riichi.
5 手牌に関することを口にしない Don't share any information of yours or other's hand.
手牌に関することはどういう内容でも、たとえその意図がなくても情報になってしまいます。他の人の手牌に関することは、気づいていない人への注意喚起ともとられ、結託行為のように映ります。Whatever the content, talking about the hand is informative, even if unintentional. Talking about the tiles in others' hands can be taken as cheating as it may seem like you are giving hints to the player whose hand you commented on.
6 先ヅモ(Saki-tsumo) No Saki-Tsumo (Drawing tiles early)
上家が捨て終わる前に手を伸ばすと、捨てた牌がその手に隠れて他の人が見えづらくなります。先ヅモをしていて、誰かの鳴きで牌を戻す時にそれが本物かどうか疑われる原因にもなります。また先ヅモで確認した牌より、上家の捨てた牌がよい場合は戻してポン、チー、カンするなどの行動もできます。人によっては下家がせかしてくるような気がして落ち着きません。つまり先ヅモは他家にモヤっとした不快感しか与えません。先ヅモで山に触れた人は上家の打牌に対して一切のポン・チー・カン・ロンができません。If you draw your tile before the left-side player finishes discarding, the rest of the two players will have a hard time seeing what was discarded because it will be hidden behind your arms. During you draw tile early and someone's call requires you to return a tile, even if you put the tile back into the wall, you may be doubted the tile that you returned is not the one you picked up. On top of that if you know the tile that you're going to draw, you can decide to take a different action based on that and the tile that your opponent has discarded (such as calling Pon, Chii, and Kan by skipping drawing), which gives you an unfair advantage. In addition, drawing tiles early makes the next player feel rushed. If you touch the wall before left-side player discards his/her tiles, you may not allow to make any calling moves.
7 暗カン Closed Kan
カンの発声をしたら、4枚が揃っているか全て見せ、右端にだしてください。手牌の中へ入れておく人がいますが、数牌のカン材で違う組み合わせを作ったり、字牌のカン材を安牌として切る可能性も想定されるからです。1、Call "Kan" 2、Open and show the four tiles you are using for Kan 3、Set the four tiles you are using for Kan to your right side so that the four tiles are clearly separated from the tiles in your hand. This is to prevent any unintentional cheating, as keeping the four tiles in your hand may create other sequences when you draw. This also prevents you from cheating by using the tiles that you are using for Kan as safe tiles.
8 ツモった牌は一番右に置いて考えましょう。When you draw the tile, keep it on right side of your hand.
毎回ツモ牌を手の中へ入れて考えると時間がかかります。普段から右に置いて考える習慣をつけましょう。Try not to put it in your hand and think since you'd need to move the tile more times than you need.
9 リーチ後に他の人の手牌または裏ドラをみる Do not look at other players' hands and ura dora after riichi before winning.
リーチ後には手が変えられないから見てもよいと言う人がいますが、裏ドラがのっていなかったらあがらない、他人の当り牌だったら放縦しないようにカンをするという選択肢があるため見てはいけません。When you call Riichi, you are not allowed to change the tiles in your hand. This leads to some people thinking that it's okay to see other peoples' hands or to see the ura-dora. However, this gives you unfair tactical advantages such as, "I will not Tsumo because it has no ura dora.", "I will do Kan if I draw someone's winning tile.", etc.
10 他家に対してと批評、口出しをする Don't complain about your opponents' hand or their play style.
他の人が自分とまったく同じ考えということはありません。善意からのアドバイスでアガリやプレー内容に口出ししたとしても批判としてとられる事もあります。どのような場合でも相手を尊重して口出しはしないよう心がけましょう。Everybody has different ideas. Even advice with the best intentions can be taken in the wrong way much like pointing out bad manners. Make sure to respect other players and do not complain about how other people play.
11 みせ牌 Purposely show the tiles in your hand.
牌が見えると一部の情報が漏れます。わざと見せるのは撹乱させる目的です。When the tiles are revealed, some information is leaked. Purposefully showing tiles may lead to confusion.
12 打牌の時に牌を呼称する No need to say the name of each tile you discard.
It can be taken as an act to induce other players' mistakes.
13 ゲーム中に見苦しい態度をとる Be emotionally mature.
ゲームの勝敗によってふてくされたり上機嫌だったりすると、他の人は扱いに困りあなたとゲームをしたくなくなります。We are here to play with adults, not children.
14 歌う、口笛をふく、アイコンタクトをする No Singing, whistling, eye contact.
他の人に合図を送っているようにとられかねません。Don't sing, whistle, or make any unnecessary eye contacting while playing. It may seem like you are signaling to someone else.
15 リンシャン牌おろしてからドラをめくりましょう Put the Rinshan tile down before you open the dora.
降ろすことが目的ではなく、落ちて見えてしまいカンの判断材料、情報となるのを防ぐことが目的です。リンシャン牌は落ちやすいので、ドラをめくる前に山から降ろしましょう。This prevents it from falling off and revealing information for calling Kan.
16 牌山を前に出す、短くなったら少し右へ寄せる。Bring your wall forward before play and the remaining tiles move to the right during the game.
This helps others by making it easier to draw and it helps keep the whole game smooth.
Thank you for reading the ruleset until the end. We hope that these manners are not too difficult to understand. They are here so that players can show mutual respect to each other. Please cooperate with other players so we can all have fun playing mahjong. We understand that there are a lot of things to follow, but we set these rules so that players from any background can enjoy playing with everyone. We believe that it can also prevent any issues that arises from miscommunication so we hope that you will do your best to follow these manners!